Event Details
Reading: Black Triangle
“Black Triangle,” a dark comedy by Ms. Roberts, revolves around a young lawyer seeking self-definition, as well as ghosts, in today’s fragmented, digital culture. She finds challenges and direction from an unexpected source: the history of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire that killed 146 garment workers in New York in 1911. This reading is in partnership with Alley Repertory Theater’s “The Age of Women” Series.
Directed by Katie Preston
April Matson
Jen Potcher
Stephanie Michelle Lokelani Cullen
Doors 7:30pm | Performance 8:00pm followed by Q&A
21+UP | Valid ID Required
$5 suggested donation
Ms. Lavinia is also teaching a workshop on Saturday, February 17 on “Tackling the Ten-Minute Play.” Registration at http://
Lavinia Roberts is a playwright based in Brooklyn, but at heart is still a Kansas farm girl. She is published with Pioneer Drama, Heuer Publishing, Brooklyn Publishers, Big Dog Plays, Indie Theatre Now, Applause Books, Smith and Kraus, Plays: The Drama Magazine for Young People, and others. She has received over 100 productions in over 30 states in cities such as Washington D.C., Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and other cities. Her work has been viewed internationally in Bath, London, Athens, Mumbai, and other cities.